I was missing a few components to do the first chunk of labs for Tuesday's class so I'm playing a bit of catch up this week. But here's some images and video from the first few labs. Everything made sense and everything worked on the first go for me, which was surprising considering I have definitely blown up a few LEDs, and 1 Arduino in the past. I'm starting to get the hang of using a multimeter. The only hiccups I've had were not realizing that my wired weren't connected on the breadboard, which I will get more used to as I work with it more (the holes are very small and close together!). Otherwise it was great and I had a lot of fun with the labs.
I'm sure things will get more interesting on here as we get more complex.
My first circuit: Lighting up an LED using a 9V battery and a 7805 linear voltage regulator
Checking the voltage before and after the 220 ohm resistor: afterre
Checking the voltage before and after the 220 ohm resistor: After
Using a push button switch to light the LED while measuring the voltage across the switch when depressed
Using a push button switch to light up 3 LEDs in parallel
3 push button switches run in series, so that all 3 buttons need to be depressed to complete the circuit and turn on the LED
3 push button switches run in parallel, so that pushing one of any button will turn on the LED
Running a motor and an LED using a single push button switch